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Los Angeles, California, United States
The International Martini Assassin!

Writer. Photographer. Journalist. Nightlife + Cocktail Guru. Bon Vivant. One man PR machine. Event Planner/Producer/Promoter. Lover. Fighter. Artist. Actor. Mixologist. Adventurer. Gambler. Patron of the Arts. Philanthropist. Marketing Genius. Man about town!
Former "almost famous" Rock Star.
Former "discovered" then unfilmed actor.

Posting adventures mostly from west of the Mississippi. The great Southwest, Vegas, Los Angeles & more! Living it up, getting around,sometimes reminiscing with my own unique perspective. Enjoying the finer things in life whenever possible. I work hard, so I play hard. Rock on!

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Monday, February 16, 2015

Bloody America set with Dr. Brian King!

Bloody America reviews Ubon's BBQ Bloody Mary Mix: http://youtu.be/xo031ZfADi4 w special guest moi, me, Martini Mike! In Los Angeles you learn to always leave the house ready to be filmed! Anyway... quiet on the set!

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